4 Tips for Landscaping Around Your Air Conditioner in Avon Park, FL

From clogging your air conditioner with pollen to causing damage to the fan blades and other parts, your landscaping can have a big impact on your system. Read through the following tips for properly landscaping around your AC system in Avon Park, FL.

Clear Enough Space Around It

No matter what plants and trees you pick, give the AC system some space. Keep those new plants at least two to three feet away. With enough clearance, you reduce the risk of the air conditioner overheating or sustaining damage.

Use Drought-Resistant Plants

Though Avon Park, FL, receives plenty of rainfall through the summer, drought-resistant plants still come in handy. They can survive higher temperatures, meaning that heat from the outdoor unit won’t harm them. Succulents are a nice choice because you can easily find some that match the look of your yard and home.

Watch for Roots

Tree roots are sometimes dangerous because of how quickly they grow underground and where they grow. If you plant trees too close to the AC system or have mature trees nearby, the roots can disrupt the concrete pad under the outdoor unit. There’s always a risk of the roots growing into the air conditioner itself, too.

Schedule AC Maintenance

AC maintenance is one way to keep your system in good shape. While you want to maintain the air conditioner, don’t forget about yard maintenance. Mowing with a lawn bag and clearing broken branches or trees will go a long way toward protecting your AC system.

It’s possible to have beautiful landscaping while keeping your air conditioner safe from damage. Our NATE-certified senior service technicians are available when you need HVAC assistance. When the time comes when you need AC repair services, call our team at Miller’s Central Air, Inc. to schedule your appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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