4 Problems Caused by Polluted Air in a Lorida, FL, Home

As a Lorida, FL, resident, you always want to ensure your family breathes clean air. This is particularly important given the warm and humid climate. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can cause numerous problems for your health and home. Here are a few signs indicating it may be time to improve the air quality in your home because it’s polluted:

Health Issues

Poor IAQ can lead to various health problems, especially for children and the elderly. Dust and other pollutants can trigger asthma and allergies. Prolonged exposure to poor indoor air quality can lead to chronic conditions like respiratory infections.

Ignoring poor air quality in your home can lead to more serious conditions, such as COPD and heart problems. This is because continuous long-term exposure to pollutants and allergens can damage your respiratory system and increase the risk of chronic diseases. The strain on your heart from breathing contaminated air can contribute to cardiovascular issues after some time.

Reduced Comfort

Nobody wants to live in a stuffy, smelly home. Poor IAQ can cause problems like these and make you and your family uncomfortable.

Decreased Cooling Efficiency

Poor air quality can also affect the efficiency of your AC system. Dust and other pollutants clogging the filters and building up on its components force your system to work harder, reducing airflow. This leads to higher energy bills and can shorten the lifespan of your HVAC equipment.

Structural Damage

Excess moisture and pollutants in your living environment can lead to serious issues such as biological growth and structural damage to your home. Removing biological growth can be challenging, but scheduling duct cleaning services regularly can help prevent this issue within your air conditioner.

Good air quality can keep all these problems at bay. If you’re concerned about living in a polluted home, consider scheduling an indoor air quality assessment with the expert team at Miller’s Central Air, Inc.

Image provided by iStock

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